Legal notice – Imprint
Publisher and editors in charge of the internet portal within the meaning of the German Telemedia Act (Telemediengesetz – TMG):
Birgit Stoehr, Owner
Lichtenplattenweg 86
63071 Offenbach
Phone +49 (0) 69 26483330
Tax ID: DE329235224
Intellectual property/ Imagery/ Concept
Birgit Stoehr
Technical execution
Susanne Poberschin – Onlinewerkstatt,
All content of this website created by the site operator are subject to German copyright law. Duplication, publishing processing and any form of distribution and any use beyond the limits as provided by International copyright law require the written consent of Birgit Stoehr. Downloads and copies of any of the content of this website are only permitted for private, non-commercial use. The content of this page was created by STOEHRCON, Birgit Stoehr. Notwithstanding the forgoing we explicitly state: Any content on this website which was not created by the site operator is subject to copyright laws of the creator of such content. We comply with third party copyright laws as those apply to third party creators. Any content on this website that as created art is edited by third party creators will be marked accordingly.
Disclaimer of Liability
We do not link to third party websites or to parts of their content. Regardless, and as a precaution, we hereby state: The district court of Hamburg has decided that an operator may be responsible for the content of a linked page by creating a link. STOEHRCON and Birgit Stoehr hereby state that they have no control whatsoever over the design of a linked website and its content or any of its linked pages. Therefore, STOEHRCON and Birgit Stoehr cannot be held liable for any linked websites and/or webpages or subpages. Further, we will not claim any rights to content of linked websites, webpages or subpages.
Legal Disclaimer
Subsequent to the regulation of online dispute resolution in consumer matters we are not obligated and will not participate in a dispute settlement procedure before a consumer arbitration board. This site is not targeted for end-consumer usage.
Objection to advertising mails (spam)
We hereby expressly object to the use of contact data published in accordance with the imprint obligation for sending unsolicited advertising and information material. STOEHRCON and Birgit Stoehr reserve the right to take legal action against and to prosecute solicitors for sending unsolicited advertising information such as spam emails.
Lichtenplattenweg 86, 63071 Offenbach
Phone +49 (0) 69 26483330
Copyright ©2020 Stoehrcon